Friday, November 20, 2009

how does president obama pic relate

they relate because we all have team work.we all are doing this to be together. we are related to these pictures because we all want to make a change as well.we had a time limit and we all had to do it together or did nothing at all.we also had to put together what we were going to say so that it would look more realistic. and we also had to talk to each other so that it wolud look to the point were we did do it well.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

president obama

our president is so awesome.he makes good and bad choices. everyone loves and sometimes don`t like what he say.i agree on half of what he says.but Obama is like the president everyone is looking up to.
He is the first African American president in the united states. most people listen to what he say and understand that he want change. Mr. Obama would be so happy to see that all of the people in the U.S are really listening.people don`t know that he did`t really know his farther like talking about.he was only two years old when his mom and dad was that tells you that he was like the man of the house very young.
Mr. Obama mom and dad was married in February 1961 and he him self was born later that year.his parents got a divorce.should i say again that he was only two years old.after their divorce his mom got married to a student lol soetoro who was attended college at the time.
his early child life he recall saying that his father was nothing like the person around him that he was black as pitch.that his mom was white as milk barely registered in his mind.he also wrote a book about his early life.he also said in his book about how he was going through a hard time.
after high school he moved to Los Angeles in 1979 were he attended occidental college. two years later he transferred to a school in new york city.he graduated with a b.a in the year 1983.then some years went by and he moved to Chicago.
mr.obama did alot of things in his life to make him the person he is today. if you was ever in his shoes then you`ll see how it wolud be to make the changes and have things redone or reworked obama is a cool man. he does alot for his family then he start on what he has do do for ex: he will need a speech and he writes what he want to say, then he has his person who checks over his work to see what needs to be done over or left the same and just add a little more to it. now he is showing everyone how to you are suppose to work. he might have mistake but not many. but mr. obama is one of the best presidents we ever had and i belive we all should thank him for what he have done to make the world a better place.

Monday, November 16, 2009

star war trumpet

she was good. she made it cool because she was moving or should i say could be better if she just did alittel more.i really dont have a favorite one.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

what to wear for thanksgiving ( i no what to wear)

hey bcs, what are you going to wear on thanksgiving? well if you have know clue then i`m the one for you. this year as we all know are the type of dresses that stop above your knees are in with legs but not any kind of colors but darker colors like orange dark purple etc. you can even try and wear just plan skinny or should i say straight leg jeans with an orange or your favorite shirt.but what i really think you should look more like the type that is a good girl or boy. you could put on a very nice dress that is like a style you would wear if you want something really bad. or if you want people to see that you`re not a bad person and does everything your mom tells you what to do ( which is`nt true) and wanting to make your mom and dad look good in front of other people. if you don`t know what i`m talking about i`m talking about wearing something with a two piece outfit like if you have nothing good in your closet to wear you could just slip on a pair of black slacks and a sweater that is fall like. well i guess you get what i`m talking about right? well make your parents proud of what you on thanksgiving. and don`t forget have that good girl or good boy look for this thanksgiving.

Monday, November 2, 2009

november issue

1)thanksgiving post
2)coloring pages (turkeys)
3)about the overall season of volleyball
4)Thanksgiving games
5)guess what food
6)your favorite food on turkey day
7)worse food
8)why you love thanksgiving
9)why do you love it
10)who pie do you like better
11)who`s foods the worse
12)who can eat more
13)what is important on thanksgiving
14)why do we alot
15)who made thanksgiving
16)why is it important
17)what do you like better lemon pie or apple
18)why turkey why not ham
19)what do you not like on thanksgiving
20)what is the best part
21)what to wear what to wear
22)what not to wear
23)how to act a the table like a lady
24)do`s and don`t`s at thanksgiving
25)how to love your parents on thanksgiving