Monday, November 2, 2009

november issue

1)thanksgiving post
2)coloring pages (turkeys)
3)about the overall season of volleyball
4)Thanksgiving games
5)guess what food
6)your favorite food on turkey day
7)worse food
8)why you love thanksgiving
9)why do you love it
10)who pie do you like better
11)who`s foods the worse
12)who can eat more
13)what is important on thanksgiving
14)why do we alot
15)who made thanksgiving
16)why is it important
17)what do you like better lemon pie or apple
18)why turkey why not ham
19)what do you not like on thanksgiving
20)what is the best part
21)what to wear what to wear
22)what not to wear
23)how to act a the table like a lady
24)do`s and don`t`s at thanksgiving
25)how to love your parents on thanksgiving

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