Tuesday, January 19, 2010


my first choice would have to be Denae. She knows how to make fudge so good once you get down with one piece you want another.You just can`t get enough of it once you put it in your mouth. Everybody might not be a fan of fudge but once you get a piece of hers then you will change your mind.I learn that you need alot of ingredients for it. i really thought that you just get your chocolate and just wait until it`s hard and then you have you fudge. but you need alot of things i would not have known you would have needed to make it.I didn`t like it I LOVED IT!!!. It was the best tasting fudge ever!like i said before you have to try it in order to believe it.

My second choice would have to be Tim's. I liked how he showed us the tools and i also liked the way he presented it in the class. he also took his time and make show that everyone had chance to see what he was doing.I also liked the little tree he bought in. I learned that he knew alot about what he was talking about and not just making things up (LIKE I WOULD HAVE DONE) (just kidding).And that he knew it so well that he didn`t have to waste alot of time on it as well.I liked it because he knew what he was doing.

my last choice would have to be kish kish. She had an awesome presentation and she also let us here one of her songs early in the year. but she is very talented and i really liked hers alot.i liked hers because i know she loves to sing and i know it was like her best thing and that she can really write songs and that i believe everybody loved to hear what she had to say. and i learned that she can write good songs and if i could get her to sing at a party then i would.

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