Tuesday, December 1, 2009


American history past is very special in a way. if you look back over the year then you would see that it plays a major role in your life. you never know what you might know from the past. you might know someone who was in the past but died and you might know their people and that wuld be kind of cool don`t you think? you might want to have kids one day and tell them that you new this person and that their mom or dad was the one who invented the light or something like that and it would be awesome for them to here about.
one way the past is cool in alot of ways. you might think i`m so glad that i was not born in the past because it look so dull.you would think it was boring back in the day. well then you would have other people say that they wish they were living in the past because it look like it would be cool.i know i think it looks cool and i wish i was living like in the early 80`s.

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