Monday, December 7, 2009

np stories how to make a gingerbread house and make it taste good

How to make a gingerbread house and make it taste delicious

Hey everyone are you ready for Christmas break? Well if you are, one thing that you can do over the break is make a gingerbread house. If you don`t know how to make it from scratch then you can go to the store and just buy the kit. It may look easy to do when you just look at the directions, but once you start to put the icing on the dough then you`ll see that it is more difficult than you expected. You would have to take your time and work at a pace that suits you best. You should never, I repeat never, let anybody touch it until it`s dry or you will see that your house is destroyed. Now you don`t want that to happen do you?To get started on making your own gingerbread house, you should first buy your ingredients.Second you would have to lay out all of your pieces to make sure that you have all everything you need to make your house. Third you would start to put your pieces in the positions that you would like it to be in.Forth you would start to put the icing on the gingerbread so that they can stay together. once you have all of your pieces hooked together to make your house then you would start to put you decorations on it. you could add peppermint candy, red,yellow,or can add chocolate kisses on it if you are a chocolate lover. you can even add gum drops to it to give you that sweet bibulous taste to it when you start to eat it.once you are done making your gingerbread house then you would have to let it sit for about one or two hours, but i would let it sit for twenty-four hours to make sure that it is completely dry.there is alot of things you can do to make your gingerbread house taste good, well at least make it taste good to you.Once it is done drying and once you are done staring at it, you can now start eating your tasty, delicious, awesome, sweet,sweet,sweet gingerbread house . i hope you enjoy it but not to much to where you can get a stomach ache.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years

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