Thursday, February 11, 2010


My friendship with my friends are well i guess.i have this one friend who is like my best friend ever.when i say ever i mean ever. we been friends since 5th grade,and we still are friends til this day.we don`t talk alot.but we still have each others lets just say if i get bored and have nothing to do i can just look her number up in my phone and start talking to her about how school is and how much i miss her.and i don`t forget to call her when ever i`m having a party.

MY next best friend goes here. her name is candace.she been going here since she was in the second grade.but now i`m going to miss her so much because she is going to be going to a different school next year, so i`m going to be here by myself next year.when i came here last year she was the first one to talk to me and i was so happy because i was so nervoue.i did not know what to do i was just glad i had her here with me because she is the friend i can talk to when i`m down.

My other friend is denae.she is like so awesome because she is never mad at anything or anybody.she always have a smile on her face and that is the number one thing i love about her. she never yells at you if you make her mad she just say ''what ever" and go back to what she was doing.she have so many friends here you just don`t know where to stop counting them until your mouth gets really really dry and you will need a drink of water and you would have to go back and count again.

I have a friend who is like so cool you just know when she is happy. why i say that is because she always says hey to you when you walk by her.she is never down ,she sings for us when we have a do you know who i`m talking about now? yes you are right if you guessed Antronia. she is like so cool and may i say she makes you laugh all the time i was working at the last LSU game, and her and Megan were just going on and on about this person they saw, so then me and my sister Megan just started to laugh and they wee trying to see what we were laughing at but then they seen what we were laughing at what they had said about this person.

Do you have a friend you can tell everything to? do you have a friend you can tell your secrets to?well i have so many friends.i can tell my Friends any and everything if i wanted to.but you know what/I'm not because i know they would want to know then lets just say we get into a big augment then they will go around and tell everybody what i i keep what i want to say in. but if you have a friend you want to tell everything to then you can do that.

Now you need to always remember that you're always going to have a friend to count on. you are not going to be all alone. you will always have someone to talk friends with the people who are new at your don`t always have to talk to them you can just say hey and how re you and just go on about your business. but always be nice to the people you first meet. nad make sure to be come closer to them. you never know they might end up being your new best friend.

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