Thursday, February 11, 2010

np storie(THIS YEAR AT BCS)

This year at BCS was so fun don`t you think?We had new students come and we even had new teachers join.My year here was awesome and i can`t wait until next year.i`m going to have all new teachers well maybe not all but its going to be fun.Now that where getting older,it`s getting closer to graduation for some of us.I just can`t wait until that day! I had fun here at BCS and i know you had fun also.i mean, BCS is like so awesome right?we all had our ups and downs but that's o.k because we have each other.i know one thing i loved about this year that was so awesome. it was when i had the chance to meet alot of students in elementary.i know some people would think that going to see them would be the worse thing that happen to them but it was the best thing that happen to me because i have friends on that side now.but what is your happiest moment here at BCS this year? go run and tell a Friend,let them hear how much fun you had here at BCS.

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