Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy News

Computer Chips Inspire Tiny Water Purifier

who: a coputer chip
what: it is talking about how they made a new computer chip that is water proof
when: it was published April 20, 2010
where: Massachusetts
why: the new technology could save millions of lives in developing countries by preventing the transmission of water-borne diseases
how:does not say

found my information at www.happynews.com

Silk Implant Could Aid Spinal Injuries, Epilepsy

who: talking about silk implant
what: A brain implant made partly of silk can melt onto the surface of the brain
when: it was reported on sunday April 18, 2010
where:it can be on your brain and it does not show what city it was in
why: providing an "intimate" connection for recording signals
how: it can mlet on your brain

found my information at www.happynews.com

Discovery Lands in Florida

who: the lands in florida
what:space shuttle Discovery descended to a smooth landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida
when: it was on April 7, 2010
where: in Florida
why: does not say
how: it landed very smooth

found my information at www.happynews.com

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