Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Day At Southern University With My Sister

Have you ever had an older brother or sister that went to a university? Well I have a sister who is a freshman at Southern University. She wanted me to come and spend the day with her so I can see how it feels to be on campus. Well when I went to her first class I walked in and said good morning. But there was one thing my sister didn’t tell me....she didn’t tell me she had to take a quiz!!!So I went to sit next to her and her teacher told me he was having a class, I guess he thought I was one of them. So I had to sit in front of her while she took her quiz. I was as still as a chair until she got done and may I says I was so happy to get out of there. Next she told me she had English. Now that was the class I really wish she could have left early. You will not believe it if I told you her teacher told me if I was not a student, then I couldn’t sit in her class. So for the next 50 minutes, I had to stand out in the hallway until she came out. But luck me I called my aunt and we talked until she came. Now she was on a 2 hour break and we had burger king and watched a little TV. Then we had nothing else to do so we just walked around until she went to her next class. Now we were in history. He didn’t tell me to get out and I was so glad. I really liked this class because I was doing nothing but texting my friends and of course my sister. I know your thinking isn’t she suppose to be doing her work in class? Well she was but at the same time she was texting.Next was biology. Her teacher just started teaching right when everyone got in. She reminds me of one of my teachers here. Now it was her last class and I was so happy because my feet started to talk to me (if you know what I mean).She was headed for math and I was glad to be in that class too because she didn’t even look at me, but the students did. They looked me like who is she. Over all I really enjoyed my day with my sister. It was like our bounding time. I can’t wait until I graduate and attend Southern University.

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