Thursday, September 3, 2009


(Our Time) Adriane Lenox performs with Our Time kids. At the lakeside camp in the Catskill Mountains, where even the magnetic founder/director is a stutterer, acceptance is the watchword as the campers plunged daily into workshops and rehearsals for the self-written songs, rap routines and skits they'd perform at a gala week-ending show.Stuttering Kids Taste Stardom at Arts Camp
SEPTEMBER 03, 2009David Crary, Associated Press When Matt Hobbs first showed up at Camp Our Time a year ago, he barely spoke. Even surrounded by other young stutterers, maybe it didn't make sense for a teen with as severe an impediment as his to attend a camp focused on the performing arts. But Hobbs licked his stage fright and came back this year enthusiastic, gregarious and bold. Read the story: Ads by Google

I think he was very bold because I know if I was scared the first year, then i would haven`t came back. but he had the guts to stand up to his fears and go back. now that's something some people can`t do.

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