Thursday, September 3, 2009


carom\KAIR-uhm\ , noun:
1.A rebound following a collision; a glancing off.
2.Ben⋅nett  /ˈbɛnɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ben-it] (Enoch) Arnold, 1867–1931, English novelist.
Berg  /bɛrg or Ger. bɛrk for 1; bɜrg for 2/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [berg or Ger. berk for 1; burg for 2] Al⋅ban  /ɑlˈbɑn, ˈɑlbɑn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ahl-bahn, ahl-bahn] Show IPA , 1885–1935, Austrian composer.
4.Le⋅guí⋅a  /lɛˈgiɑ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [le-gee-ah] Show IPA
–noun Au⋅gus⋅to Ber⋅nar⋅di⋅no  /aʊˈgustɔ ˌbɛrnɑrˈðinɔ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ou-goos-taw ber-nahr-thee-naw] Show IPA , 1863–1932, president of Peru 1908–12, 1919–30
5. Thor⋅vald⋅sen  /ˈtʊərˌvɑlsən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [toor-vahl-suhn] Show IPA –noun Albert Ber⋅tal  /ˈɑlbɛrt ˈbærtəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ahl-bert bar-tuhl] Show IPA , 1770–1844, Danish sculptor.
6.Guth⋅rie  /ˈgʌθri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [guhth-ree] Show IPA
–noun 1. A(lfred) B(ertram), Jr., 1901–91, U.S. novelist.
7.Bev⋅er⋅idge  /ˈbɛvərɪdʒ, ˈbɛvrɪdʒ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bev-er-ij, bev-rij] Show IPA –noun 1. Albert Jeremiah, 1862–1927, U.S. senator and historian.
8.Bier⋅stadt  /ˈbɪərstæt; Ger. ˈbirʃtɑt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [beer-stat; Ger. beer-shtaht] Show IPA –noun 1. Al⋅bert  /ˈælbərt; Ger. ˈɑlbɛrt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [al-bert; Ger. ahl-bert] Show IPA , 1830–1902, U.S. painter, born in Germany.
9.Bi⋅net  /bɪˈneɪ; Fr. biˈnɛ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bi-ney; Fr. bee-ne] Show IPA –noun Al⋅fred  /ˈælfrɪd; Fr. alˈfrɛd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [al-frid; Fr. al-fred] Show IPA , 1857–1911, French psychologist: co-deviser of the Binet-Simon scale.
10.bit2  /bɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bit] Show IPA
–noun 1. a small piece or quantity of anything: a bit of string.

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